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Add-Index Material


1 Materialsammlung für Add-Index Corporation und Add-Index Addiermaschine

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2 Aus Zeitungen

New York Times (May 12, 1922):
Add-lndex Company Buys Watters and an American Can Branch.
The Add-lndex Corporation announced yesterday that it had acquired the assets of the adding machine and cash register division of the American Can Company and of the Watters Corporation of St. Louis.
Robert L. Houston, who has been Vice President and General Manager of the Tabulating Machine Company and Director of the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, is President of the new company. H. W. Phelps, Vice President of the American Can Company, is Chairman of the board. The corporation has acquired manufacturing plants in Grand Rapids and St. Louis, with branch offices in fifty-four cities. Executive offices will be at New York
Frei übersetzt: Add-Index kauft die Anlagevermögen und Abteilungen "Addiermaschinen" und "Cash Register" der Firmen "Watters Corporation" (St. Louis) und "American Can Company" (St. Louis). Neuer President: Robert L. Houston (bisher Tabulating Machine Compay und Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company). Chairman of the board wird H. W. Phelps (Vice President der "American Can Company"). Damit übernimmt Add-Index Fabriken in Grand Rapids und St. Louis und Büros in 45 Städten. Firmensitz ist New York


New York Times (Feb 1, 1928):
Court to Hear Action Today on Order to Halt Sale of Assets.
An injunction suit by minority stockholders of the Add-Index Corporation, said to be a subsidiary of the American Company, stopped a meeting called for Jan. 14 to act on the proposed sale of the assets to pay creditors, it was disclosed yesterday when the papers were filed in an action by Simon Lederer in behalf of himself and other stockholders.
Supreme Court Justice Glennon will hear an application today to continue a temporary restraining order prohibiting the sale of the assets pending the suit, which was granted on Jan. 13 by Justice Frankenthaler.
The suit is brought against the corporation and its directors, including Henry W. Phelps, who is also President of the American Can Company, Fred Phelps, C. E. Green, R. H. Crosby. W. T. Harlan, Charles Stollberg, John Young, Harry Claver, R. A. Burger, R. L. Houston and K. S. Breckenridge. Mr. Lederer alleges that the directors are also the chief stockholders and creditors of the corporation, and that in trying to put through the proposed sale they are acting in their own behalf. He asserts that the assets amount to more than $3.000.000. while the liabilities are not more than $300,000, and that it would be more just to the minority stockholders to have the corporation go through bankruptcy, if it is in real financial stress, and have the assets distributed equitably, than to sell out as proposed.
Frei übersetzt: Die Minderheits-Aktionäre versuchen gerichtlich die Absicht der Direktoren von Add-Index zu stoppen, die Firma zu verkaufen. Direktor ist zu der Zeit auch Henry W. Phelps, der gleichzeitig President der American Can Company ist. Die Begründung ist, dass die Direktoren gleichzeitig die größten Anteilseigner sind und sie damit in ihrem eigenen Interesse handeln. Bei einem Wert von $ 3,000,000 und Verbindlichkeiten von $ 300,000 sei es besser, die Firma während des Konkursverfahrens in Betrieb zu halten, wenn wirklich eine finanzielle Stresssituation besteht, und die Vermögenswerte gleichmäßig zu verteilen, anstatt, wie vorgesehen, einen Ausverkauf zu veranstalten

New York Times (Mar 9, 1928):
Enjoins Add-Index Officers.
An order signed yesterday by Supreme Court Justice Delehanty continues a temporary injunction obtained by Simon Lederer in behalf of himself and other stockholders of the Add-Index Corporation, manufacturer of portable adding machines at Grand Rapids, Mich., restraining the officers from carrying out a plan to transfer the assets of the corporation to a prospective purchaser to raise money to meet debts of the company. The application was based on allegations that the chief officers of the company are also officials of the American Can Company, the largest creditor, that they were acting in the interest of the American Can Company instead of the stockholders, and that the sum offered was inadequate.
Frei übersetzt: Es wird weiterhin gerichtlich untersagt, dass das Anlagevermögen der Add-Index-Corp. (Hersteller von tragbaren Addiermaschinen in Grand Rapids) an einen Kaufinteressenten abgegeben wird. Die Begründung ist, dass die Firmenvertreter von Add-Index gleichzeitig die Interessen der Firma American Can Co. vertreten (die größter Gläubiger ist) und nicht die Interessen der Anteilseigner und, dass die geboten Summe nicht angemessen ist.

3 Aus Büchern

4 Add-Index Journal 1922


Add-Index Journal 1922 (P. 1)


Fabrik Grand Rapids, "River View"


Fabrik Grand Rapids, Hauptgebäude


Fabrik St. Louis


Add-Index Finding and Filing Machines


Add-Index Finding and Filing Machines


Add-Index 690


Add-Index Cash Register

5 Maschinen und Geräte

6 Sonstiges Material

7 Anmerkungen

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